Tom Sharrock

Nationality: GBR Height: 197cm Age: 22
Course Engineering science
College Magdalen College
University Oxford
Status Undergraduate
Role Rower

Boat Race History

  • 2023 – Oxford Men’s Blue Boat

About Tom:

Why did you choose Engineering science?

It’s a very broad course that gives a good understanding of how things work

Why did you first try rowing?

My mum didn’t want me to get too invested in rugby so she signed me up to a learn to row course. I lived the the river Cam so travel and accessibility was easy

Who introduced you to the sport of rowing?

Oli fraser at Cantabrigian rowing club

Where else have you rowed?

Isle of ely for 18 months and Peterborough rowing club for 18 months on the world class start programme

What are your proudest rowing achievements?

Racing in the 2023 boat race

Do you have a favourite Boat Race? Which one and why?

2000 – that crew set the tone for the next 2 decades

What would winning The Boat Race mean to you?

It would be a life changing day

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